28-410 White Faceted Dispensing Bottle Cap Push-Pull Style w/ .130 in. Orifice

Sale Price: $0.19
Compared at: $0.30
You Save: $0.11
Product ID: bdc28-410-wh-p
Manufacturer: MPCH
Stock: 4,390
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28-410 White opaque dispensing bottle cap push-pull style with .130 in. orifice, faceted sides.   Bottle closure part that screws on bottle is 1 1/8 in. wide x 5/8 in. high.  Complete cap with spout is 1 3/8 in. high.  Packed 2500 to case.

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Reviewed by Loriemcclung on 06/09/2022
Just what I needed!
Some of my suppliers send their product without a dispensing cap on the 16-ounce bottles. When measuring, a dispensing cap is most helpful. These fit well, and serve me well. Excellent service, too!

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