6 oz. white tottle HDPE 22-400 plastic bottle a 2 in. flip top snap top dispensing cap. Packed 270 to a case.
Plastic bottle is 6 3/8 in. high including neck x 2 3/4 in wide x 7/8 in. deep at bottom x 2 in deep at top. Dispensing flip top caps are are offered in colors.
- black smooth plastic flip top cap-.122 in. orifice
- dark blue smooth plastic flip top cap-.100 in. orifice
- light blue pearl plastic flip top cap -.125 in. orifice
- burgundy pearl plastic flip top cap-.187 in. orifice
- bronze dark smooth plastic flip top cap-.108 in. orifice
- green apple smooth plastic flip top cap-.185 in. orifice
- green lime smooth plastic flip top cap-.190 in. orifice
- orange burnt smooth plastic flip top cap-.250 in. orifice
- orange translucent smooth plastic flip top cap-.125 in. orifice
- pink smooth plastic flip top cap-.190 in. orifice & easy open HS liner
- purple pearl smooth plastic flip top cap-.250 in. orifice
- silver pearl smooth plastic flip top cap-.125 in. orifice
- white smooth plastic flip top cap-.174 in. orifice
- white smooth plastic flip top cap-.188 in. orifice
- white pearl smooth plastic flip top cap-.180 in. orifice
Bottle is flexible enough to use with dispensing cap which is included.